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dog bandanas singapore

Singapore's Next Dog Bandanas Model

My dog Yoshi is a Maltese, and we got him when he was 3 months old. We didn't have great success in toilet training him. I would say, he pees in his pee tray 20% of the time, 60% during our daily walks, and 20% in the wrong spots around our house. Malteses are not the easiest dog to toilet train, as I learnt later in my research, but they are certainly very loving and protective. I've never regretted getting Yoshi, and he is a very important family member to us.

One of the fun things I love to do for Yoshi is to design dog bandanas for him. Previously I set up Pupcorn Studio selling dog accessories, and Yoshi is our main dog model. Haha. However, I've consolidated the doggy products on Label of Love Studio currently. So don't be alarm if you see pupcorn studio's watermark on the photos around the website. They are all ours!dog bandana

As Yoshi is a white dog, he looks best in dog bandanas with striking colours. I personally like colourful stripes and dark backgrounds for his bandanas. White bandanas are a no no for him. They literally blend into his fur. lol.

Some of you may be thinking whether it is too hot for dogs to wear bandanas in our Singapore weather. I only let Yoshi wear his bandanas when the weather is cool, cos I don't want him to overheat, and only for a short period of time for his walk, never the entire day. That said, Yoshi never really try to remove the bandana himself, cos the design of our bandana is really comfortable for doggies. Seriously, their comfort is my main design consideration! 

personalised dog bandanas

See, Yoshi looks really good in darker colours. Haha. And yes, he's on the dining table for this picture. I know I know. It's really not proper table manners. :P I think we really spoilt Yoshi a bit too much in this house.

Back to our personalised dog bandanas, they are super customizable, since we print the fabric ourselves, you can have any background you like. Think fruits, vegetables, hearts, stripes, dots and more! One of the more memorable projects we did was customised dog bandanas for all the dogs who participated in a dog bash. There were 20+ bandanas to make from the galaxy fabric for dogs of different sizes and it was so much fun! 

I will love to dress Yoshi up in costumes, and I think he will look really cute. But honestly I feel Singapore's weather is a bit too much for them, especially furry ones like Yoshi. 

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